sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2025

New tool pack released: OpenAI API Key Validator | AWS Key Validator | TruffleHog Searcher | ghorgs (GitHub Organization Fetcher)

Hello, carbon-based lives!

Today, I'm releasing a set of small tools that might help you during your Red Team/Pentest journey! 🏴‍☠️

openai-kv (OpenAI API Key Validator) - This Go program validates OpenAI API keys individually or in bulk using a multithreaded approach.

aws-kv (AWS Key Validator) is a Go program that validates AWS credentials. It supports validating single credentials or bulk credentials using a multithreaded approach. Also, dumps some of the credentials details.

TruffleHog Searcher: Command-line tool for searching through JSON files generated by the TruffleHog tool.

ghorgs (GitHub Organization Fetcher) This script dumps and displays information about all GitHub organizations using the GitHub API.)

I hope something can be useful!

quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2024

Vertical Privilege Escalation: Exploiting nmtui Sudo Misconfiguration

Privilege escalation vulnerabilities are still a major target for attackers looking to breach sensitive systems. Let’s take a look at a specific vertical privilege escalation example, where misconfigured sudo permissions let a low-privileged user run the nmtui tool without needing a password. By using the JSON import feature in Add Team, we can exploit this to escalate our privileges and get ourselves a root shell. 

there’s a bit of a security issue with how sudo was set up in this case. It lets users with low privileges run nmtui (the Network Manager Text User Interface) as if they were root. Here’s the deal: by playing around with the JSON import feature in the Add Team section of nmtui, it kicks off a vi editor session with root privileges. If someone manages to escape from vi into a shell, they can elevate their permissions all the way to root.

Happy hacking #1337

Step-by-Step Exploitation Guide

Follow these steps to reproduce the vulnerability:

  1. Use a terminal session where the current user has limited privileges.
  2. Execute nmtui with sudo.
  3. sudo nmtui
  4. Edit a connection.

  5. Select "Add".
  6. Navigate to the Add option in the nmtui menu.
  7. Add a Team.
  8. Proceed by selecting the Add Team option.

  9. Choose the JSON option.

  10. In this step, nmtui attempts to import a JSON configuration, opening the vi editor in a root context.
  11. Escape from vi to a shell.
  12. Use the following command within vi to spawn a root shell:
  13. :!/bin/bash
  14. You are root!

*This behavior is further exploitable if nmtui is configured with the setuid (SUID) bit, allowing any user to execute it with elevated privileges.

Reverse Engineering Insights

The attack was uncovered during a reverse engineering analysis of nmtui using Ghidra, a popular software reverse engineering tool developed by the NSA. The analysis revealed that the JSON import functionality in nmtui invokes the vi editor, creating a security loophole in this case. 

As I did not have much time to explore it further, other nmtui features might call the vi.


Tools and Techniques:

  • Ghidra: Reverse engineering tool used to analyze nmtui.
  • Sudo: A powerful tool to allow users to execute commands with elevated privileges.
  • SUID: A Unix/Linux file permission that allows users to execute a file with the permissions of the file owner.

Related Escalation Techniques: